Education Division

Priority to education

The Agir Ensemble association and the Safe Water Cube endowment fund is not limited to the supply and installation of drinking water fountains.

We associate all its projects with an information and awareness component for local school populations and, as far as possible, establish partnerships with French schools.

Education is a human right

For girls and boys

Education is one of the most important investments a country can make for its people and its future.

If all children in low-income countries left school with basic literacy skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty, equivalent to a 12% drop in global poverty (UNESCO,2014).

But what about investment policies for adapted infrastructure? 

What about life-saving supplies ?

Our experiences, with local associations on the ground, show that schools that do not have waterpoints and sanitary facilities, not to mention canteens, cannot provide regular and continuous schooling for children.

Partnership with French Schools

We create educational projects with French schools and schools where we install the fountains. We work with educational teams to teach and educate children from 6 to 15 years old to water in several themes around water.

We invite you to read our page on educational and educational projects with French schools.


2019 is the year of the creation of our first training center on water, sanitation, management and management (accounting and organizations) with a follow-up of 5 years for the concrete realization of water networks, sanitation, waste management and the management of structures.

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