
About us

Today in the world :

  • 2 billions people do not have access to clean water at home i.e.30% of the world’s population.
  • 2.6 millions die every year from diseases linked to water consumption and an unsanitary environment.
  • 1.8 millions of children die every year due to lack of clean water


Discover how is born the Safe Water Cube fountain thanks to his founder Jean-Paul Augereau.

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Our objectives

The association Agir Ensemble (Act Together) and the endowment fund aims to raise private and public funds to install Safe Water Cube fountains in countries where access to drinking water is a real health issue.

Our solution allows as many people as possible to enjoy clean drinking water.

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Partners and users share their visions and interests in using the Safe Water Cube Fountain.

All testimonials

Our committed partners

Become partner and actor of change

Committing to the Agir Ensemble association and the Safe Water Cube endowment fund is to provide access to drinking water for as many people as possible.

Together, let’s act!

Become an actor by making a donation, becoming a sponsor or investing through your CSR approach.

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