Ivory Coast – ONG Adia

Djoum Village

Country : Côte d’Ivoire

Djoum Village

Population : 2 500 inhabitants

Number of children under 15 : 650



The village of Djoum is located 415 km from Abidjan in Ivory Coast. The village had a well that is no longer in working order. They are now stocking up in a pond. This water is used for latrines but it is unsanitary for daily use (hydration, cooking, hygiene). The population travel 3 kilometers to stock up in a neighboring village. The recovered water is unfit for human consumption and causes many health disorders including diarrheal diseases, cholera, typhoid fever, …

It is in this context that the NGO Adia and the Safe Water Cube Endowment Fund have teamed up to harvest and install a Safe Water Cube fountain.

This project was funded with the financial support of Ouest Rayonnage.

Presentation of the project in Djoum village

The project consists in installing 1 Safe Water Cube fountain in the village of Djoum in Ivory Coast to allow residents to have access to drinking water and prevent the proliferation of diseases due to poor water quality.

This project focuses on two points: WATER and HEALTH

  • The supply and installation of a Safe Water Cube fountain.
  • Provide training to the public on the importance of drinking water.

Targets of the project:

  1. Installation of a Safe Water Cube fountain that will allow the inhabitants of the village to have access to drinking water.
  2. Train the population in sanitary and hygienic needs.

Project funded : 5 500 €

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